At Thomas Holdings, Lorenzo faces the window, as he puts on this clothes, as does Dina, as there's silence inside Lorenzo's office, as Lorenzo shakes his head with disbelief, and sadness. At Thomas Auto, William sits inside his office, as his phone rings, and he answers as Elizabeth, sitting inside her Suite at the Hotel at Sullivan's River Casino tells her Husband "I've got everything under control, and I'm going to make damn sure you, or our Son harms Junior, or Loren." William sighs to his Wife "It's in your hands, whatever you want to do." Elizabeth tells her Husband "I think I'm going to visit our Son." Elizabeth hangs up, as she thinks of her reunion with her Grandson, and sighs "I'm going to kick your ass Lorenzo." with a look of disappointment. At Lena's Loft, Nikki lays on the couch, and watches TV, as she receives a text from Lorenzo Jr, and puts the phone down, as Nikki picks up a wedding photo of her wedding day to Lorenzo, and a look of loneliness in her eyes, and tears fall.
In Ann's office at Thomas Holdings, Ann is alone in her office, as she hangs up the phone with her Daughter, Jenny, as Jack walks inside Ann's office, as Ann goes "Shouldn't you be at the hospital?" Jack yells, slamming the door "Ann Thomas, you took everything I had, and destroyed me. You are twisted, and Randi was right about you." Ann sits back, and asks her now Ex-Husband "Didn't like your present Jackie? Ahh... Well I have some shopping in order for my new home, to start anew, and you can do the same. Live off Felicia, or Tilly, or Randi. And don't start a damn war with my family over the divorce." Jack tells his Ex-Wife "You have declared it! You turned our children against me, and Ann, we were each other's first loves. We share half a lifetime together." Ann sighs "I'm divorced from you for good this time, and the way you are talking makes me extremely uneasy, like you are guilty of something, like the night you had sex with Randi when she seduced you, and got pregnant, causing a huge fight." Jack looks at Ann, and tells her "Can't you overlook the past?" Ann shakes her head, and puts on her fur coat, and tells her Ex-Husband "Go back home now, because I have something to do, and you need to play Daddy. Bye Jackass." Ann struts out, and speaks to a guard, as Jack watches on, and the guard tells Jack "You have to leave premises sir." Jack goes "I am. But I'll be back!"
Meanwhile inside Randi's Mansion, Randi, and Tilly screams in horror, as Tilly drops her gun, as Scarlet holds her shoulder and Kate runs away, and Sarah holds her chest, and falls to the floor, as Blake gets off the phone with 911, and Scarlet looks at her Son, and aims at him, and responds "If I were you, I'd come tend to Sarah." Tilly is overwhelmed with shock, and fear, as she and Kate falls to Sarah's side, as Randi aims at Scarlet, and in a calculating tone, tells her "You had Jack, you had Clint, you nearly killed my Daughter, and now hurt my Granddaughter. Time for me to take your ass out Madam Scarlet." Scarlet aims her pistol at Randi, as Blake rushes over to Sarah's side, as Scarlet's gun points down, and Tilly cries, stroking Sarah's face "Stay with me Sarah. Please stay with me." Scarlet asks Tilly "Are you really pathetic. Issac Blair raped you, and I knew about it, because he and I had a relationship." The paramedics, and the Loma Vista Police Department arrives, as they walk inside, and Police Commissioner, Phillip Mason, yells at Scarlet "After all these years, you are about to get what's been coming for you, and I'll make damn sure I'm paid also for our Daughter!" The paramedics get to Sarah, and puts her on the stretcher, and stabilizes her, as she's wheeled out, as Tilly, Blake, Kate, follow, and Tilly gets inside the ambulance, as Randi sends a text to Felicia, who sits inside The President's Room, with Haley, looks at her Sister In Law with shock, as she tells her "We have to get to the hospital. Sarah's been shot." Felicia tells Tilly "We'll meet you there." Felicia looks at Haley, and tells her "Scarlet shot Sarah and it's not good." They leave.
At Barbara's Home, Barbara sits alone in the living room, as she has a flashback, and sighs "It will stay in the past as far as I'm concerned." William arrives, as he tells his Sister "Jack is trying to start a war with us." Barbara is silent, and looks at her Brother, and tells him "Scarlet knows." William asks "Knows what?" Barbara looks down, as William sighs "Oh. Mama must have said something to her or Daddy, neither of them liked her after she quit school and started working the streets." Barbara cries "I made a mistake William, and Sandi knows, and I'm going to make her leave town." William asks "And what exactly are you planning?" Barbara tells him "I spoke to Commissioner Phillip Mason, and Scarlet will follow suit, I will tell her the truth, and see what I can do." William tells his Sister "I'll help you. Don't worry." Sandi meanwhile walks inside, as William and Barbara hugs, and Barbara walks her Brother to the door, as she locks it, and turns to Sandi, and pulls out a pistol, and asks "Remember my promise? Well time to pay my debt." Barbara aims at Sandi, as she asks "What's wrong with you? Scarlet knows, live with it." Barbara snaps "You run that damn mouth there girl, you will let something out that needs to stay where it belongs! Now go pack your suitcase, and I'll get you a plane ticket for wherever you want to go." Sandi goes "Adam's Landing." Barbara walks over, and gets on the computer, as she tells Sandi "It's best you leave before I get very angry, you have pushed it with me. And I have nothing to lose at my age." Sandi quips "You are a Granny." Barbara snaps "Grandmother." Sandi tells Barbara "I've got a friend down there I'm seeing, and he's been taking care of me. A legend." Barbara sighs "And who gives a shit? Not me." Barbara clicks the mouse, and as Sandi's plane ticket's printed, tells her "Matt has done well without you before, and he and Haley will be fine now." Sandi is silent, as Barbara snaps "Start packing, plane leaves in an hour." Sandi heads upstairs, and yells "You win." Barbara goes "Yes I do bitch."
Meanwhile at Sullivan's River Casino, Lorenzo Jr's outside as his car pulls up, and the man inside tells him "Let me take you where you want to go." Lorenzo Jr tells the man "I think I will take myself thank you." Tyrone, in the back seat, yells "Get in the damn car!" Lorenzo Jr gets inside, and Tyrone sticks a pistol to his Nephew's head, and tells him "Time to make a damn man out of you Little L. A real man." Inside the Casino, Lena and Sayyid sits inside her office, as Lena tells him "So when will Eve and Keith arrive in town?" Sayyid tells her "Keith's catching a later flight, Eve's on her way." Lena tells him "It will make this place lots of money." Sayyid nods in agreement, and tells Lena "You are amazing. How strong you are." Lena quips "I've grown up hard, so I know how to survive. Was a single Mother to Tyrone and Nicole. Seen the man I love die before my eyes. It messed with me, but I overcame it." Lena asks Sayyid "So are you going to speak to Lorenzo, and me to Nikki, and try to get them back together. We got some time before Eve arrives into town." Sayyid nods, and Lena heads home, as Sayyid makes a phone call to Lorenzo, but gets no response.
At Lena's Loft, Nikki sleeps, as there's a knock at the door, and Nikki gets up, and opens, as Lorenzo stands on the other side, and looks at his Wife, and cries, as Nikki also starts to cry, and he holds his Wife tightly in his arms.
Meanwhile at Thomas Auto, Ann arrives, as J.R. Jenny, and Matt greets her, and they all ask "How does your win feel Ms.Gray?" Ann quips "Perfect. Rejuvenation." J.R. tells his Mother "Dad's already vowing revenge, and he and Uncle William got into a fight earlier." Ann quips "Typical Jack-ass." Jenny asks her Mother "So since you've done everything regarding Aunt Scarlet..." Ann tells her Daughter, Son, and Nephew "She's going to get what's been waiting for her. Likely getting it as we speak, the perfect ending of the whore who I had the saddest lie to ever tell..." Jenny asks her Mother "What lie were you forced to tell?" Ann looks at everyone, as Matt gets suspicious, and Ann looks at Matt, and tells him "Scarlet's your Oldest Sister." Matt is silent, as he responds, in shock "I never had any idea. Just remember Mamaw and Papaw's adoption jokes as a boy." Ann tells everyone in the room the story, as shock fills the room. Meanwhile at the Loma Vista Police Department, Scarlet's sitting at a desk, as Phillip walks inside, and tells Scarlet "I hope you've gotten an attorney. I'll gladly call my Brother to send you to prison. You also have back child support to our Daughter." Scarlet yells "She's grown!" Phillip asks "Remember the last time you talked to her?" Scarlet looks at Phillip and snarls "I was trying to protect my Son." Phillip looks at Scarlet, and yells "You were protecting you. You are such a selfish whore Scarlet Thomas. You make me sick." Scarlet yells back "I've heard enough, just take me back to a cell." Phillip calls an officer inside, as Scarlet's escorted to a cell, as Phillip sends Lacey Mason, his Daughter with Scarlet, a text that reads "Your Mother's in custody." At the Benjamin Lodge, Dina is inside her room, as she packs her things, as there's a knock, and Dina finds Jack on the other side, and asks "Where's Scarlet?" Dina goes "Who knows, and why would I care? I'm getting out of town!" Jack pulls out his checkbook, and asks Dina "How about you hang around for a little while? I'll make sure you get your money's worth." Jack holds a stack of $100 bills, as Dina walks over, and leads him to her bed, and takes off his clothes, as they have sex.
Meanwhile at Barbara's Home, Barbara and Sandi, carrying a suitcase, leaves, as Sandi goes to Adam's Landing, as Barbara tells her "Next time I will kill you." At Lena's Loft, Nikki sits next to her Husband, as Lorenzo holds his Wife, and Nikki tells him "I miss this. You and me." Lorenzo sighs "Me too. But sadly we are on different sides when it comes to Junior." Nikki asks "What if we focus on us, and not worry about his personal life?" Lorenzo sighs "Not possible Nikki. If you support his disrespect, then it will destroy us. I disown him." Nikki boldly, and tearfully responds "I don't know what has happened to you since Elizabeth has died, but I don't like the man you are turning to, an evil, cold-hearted bastard." At Lorenzo and Nikki's Mansion, Elizabeth stands outside, as Sayyid pulls up, and asks Elizabeth, who he doesn't know "May I help you?" Elizabeth goes "I guess who I came to see isn't here, or the wrong address." Elizabeth leaves, as Sayyid watches her, as he says to himself "She looks familiar." In Lena's Office at Sullivan's River Casino, Lena is inside, as Nate walks in and asks "Have you heard from Lorenzo Jr? I'm worried about him." Nate tells Lorenzo Jr's Grandmother of the pills, and she asks "He isn't in his Suite?" Nate responds "No. He left." In a warehouse in the roughest area of Loma Vista, Sni-Bar, Lorenzo Jr is surrounded by many men, as Tyrone yells at the others "Teach the little gay princess what it is to be a man." Lorenzo Jr is kicked to the ground, as he's beaten, and Tyrone watches the others beat his Nephew, as Lorenzo Jr tries to get away, but dragged back into the middle, and hit in the head. At Loma Vista Hospital at Lakeside, Randi, Felicia, Haley, and Blake are in the waiting room, as everyone fears for Sarah's life, as Tilly and Kate are at Sarah's bedside, as Dr.Nolan and two nurses tries to keep Sarah alive, as she's been shot in the chest.
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