As the sun rises over Lake Pittman, at William's Home, he stands on the deck, as Elizabeth walks out with coffee, and William holds his Wife. At Ann's Mansion, Ann sits in the living room, as she smokes a cigarette, and at Lorenzo and Nikki's Mansion, Lorenzo looks at his Wife, and bluntly responds "If Phillip fails..." Nikki assures her Husband "Zach is finished." Lorenzo sits in his study, as he takes a toke from his blunt, and goes "Damn right his ass is finished." At Jack's Estate, Jack sits in the kitchen, as he pours a cup of coffee, and tells someone "Seemed like old times last night. How do you feel this morning?" Randi walks out of Jack's bedroom, wrapped in a towel, and tells her Ex-Husband "Exactly what I needed, a nice sexual distraction." Jack kisses her, and responds "Me too." Jack hears the doorbell, as Randi runs back into the bedroom, as Jack answers to find Jenny, and she asks her Father "So you officially disowned Zach? It's about time." Jack tells his Daughter "I agree." In Jack's bedroom, Randi sends a text to Phillip, reading "Meet me at Sullivan's River Casino.
In the ICU of Loma Vista Downtown Hospital, Lizzie walks inside Blake's room, as he's in a coma, and Barbara's awake, as Lacey's sleeping, and Barbara asks her Great-Niece "Have you been here all night?" Lizzie tells her Aunt "I get paid by the hour, and I'm going to make sure Blake survives this." Barbara hugs Lizzie, as Lacey wakes, looking on in silence. In Sarah's Room in the Nursery, Tilly sits next to her Daughter, as Sarah tells her Mother "I'm scared!" Tilly assures her Daughter, I'll make certain you make it through this my little girl." Tilly holds her Daughter, as Lizzie looks inside, and clocks out, and returns home. At Lorenzo and Nikki's Mansion, Nikki stands on the stairway, as Lorenzo's left tor his Office at Thomas Holdings, and Nikki calls her Mother, at Lena's Loft, Lena ignores, as she makes love to Sayyid.
At the Loma Vista Jail, Zach sits inside the visitation area, as Luke walks inside, alongside Ann, as she yells "On behalf of the Thomas Family, we will make damn sure you die you low life little bitch!" Ann forcefully slaps her Former Stepson, and Luke tells Ann "I thought we made a deal, spokesperson for the Thomas family." Ann walks out, as Luke tells Zach, as the jailer walks inside "Call Jack and see who he knows, or better willing to pay." At Thomas Holdings, Lorenzo has arrived, and walks into his office, as he yells "How in the hell did you get in here?" Dina tells Lorenzo "Somebody else knows, Lacey Mason." Lorenzo pulls out his pistol, and sighs with anger "Damnit woman, I will protect my marriage at all costs, I don't give a shit what you try and pull." I know your past. And that kid could be anybody's kid." Sure as hell won't be mine!" Dina screams "You're the damn daddy Lorenzo.." Lorenzo grows angry and aims at the door, and snarls "Get your white trash ass the hell out of my office, and I will let the world know about you and Zach's little tryst when he was released to the halfway house." Dina sighs "I will tell the truth." Lorenzo warns "Test me. Try. You won't live long enough to find out. How about an abortion to solve the damn problem? Hell, I'll make a private payment and everything will be fine." Dina cries, and runs out, as Matt, and J.R. arrives, and Lorenzo tells his Cousins "We've got Luke and Phillip in our pocket. And now for the kill." For the world to see!"
Inside the private room at Sullivan's River Casino, Randi and Phillip meet, as Phillip warns Randi "Look, I'm not getting paid off to let Zach off." Randi asks "What about something Jenny can't give you. I still got it going on." Phillip looks at Randi's dress, as the doors open, as Elizabeth and Lena walk in, and Elizabeth asks her Sister "And exactly what are we doing in here?" Randi responds "Saving Zach! Your Son Lorenzo wants dead, and I'm getting my percentage of this casino again someway. You should be more generous Big Sister! Elizabeth glares at Randi, as Lena shakes her head, as Phillip leaves, and Randi tells them "Get used to my presence. I will win!" Elizabeth snaps "I hope someone kills him in his sleep." Randi gasps "You feel that way about my Boy?" Elizabeth goes "Hell yes." Lena sighs "Time to get the hell out of this." Randi yells "No allow me! I need to go find a place to drink." Elizabeth laughs "Well have fun Miranda." Randi leaves, and Elizabeth looks at Lena and tells her "She's damn crazy. Shit, she lost that battle 20 years ago. She needs to get on somewhere." Lena tells Elizabeth "After the way she treated Nikki, that was it for me. I remembering your Mama getting angry." Elizabeth nods, and goes "And now she's lost her ass, and looking for me to help her. I'm no damn sucker."
Back at Loma Vista Downtown Hospital, Barbara looks at her Grandson, as Lacey tells her Grandmother (Aunt) "I'm shocked you've been here for him." Barbara goes "I promised your Mama I'd look after him." Lacey snarks "Excellent job. Looks like shit hasn't changed, but shocked you back it." Blake's vitals start to drop, as Lacey holds her Brother's hand, as Barbara runs to the Nursery, where Sarah sits in her bed, as Tilly holds her Daughter, as they talk about Blake, and the miscarriage, and Jack walks inside, and Tilly hugs her Father, and Jack hugs his Granddaughter, and Sarah cries "It was going to be a boy." Jack sighs "Things happen sometimes Sarah. But you are strong like your Mother." Sarah smiles, until Barbara yells "He's fading!" Tilly and Sarah rush to Blake's room, along with Barbara, as inside, Doctors surround Blake, and Lacey cries in a corner, looking at her Brother. At Lena's Loft, Sayyid says his morning prayers, as Tyrone walks inside, and Sayyid asks Tyrone "So Lena finally forgave you." Tyrone tells Sayyid "I heard you were in Los Angeles when the singer Latoya Shane was shot." Sayyid grins "Felt great. She learned." Tyrone laughs, as Sayyid asks Tyrone "So what's up with Big T?" Tyrone tells him "Lacey's back in town." Sayyid goes "The white girl?" Tyrone nods, and Sayyid tells him "Be careful. Word in Vegas is she's a nark." Tyrone laughs "She ain't with the shit I have on her. But she's a freak in the bed." Sayyid's phone rings, as he tells Tyrone "I'm going to see Lena, and meet Mrs.Thomas." Tyrone "She wanted to kill me. Be careful." Sayyid leaves, as Tyrone's phone rings, and he answers, as it's Lacey, and heads down to Loma Vista Downtown Hospital, as he sighs "Shit."
At William's Home, William relaxes, as there's a knock at the door, and he goes to answer, as it's Ann, as she storms inside she screams "That boy's always been evil. He deserves to die." William nods in agreement, and Ann notices luggage, and goes "So Elizabeth's moving in with you?" William tells his Sister "She's keeping tabs on me." Ann responds "You have a great woman, and she is the strongest one." William sighs "With what she did, that took strength, it's risky." Ann pours coffee, and tells her Brother "There's some shit going down if Scar messes with Barbara. The bitch will pay. She's been through enough." William responds "I left shortly before she killed him. I kicked his ass a few times." Ann heads to the door, as she gets a text, and asks her Brother "Why are you staying home?" William tells Ann "Elizabeth forbid me to work. Only do something called relax." Ann and William hugs as she heads home. At Thomas Auto, J.R. arrives, as he finds his Sister, and Father, as Jack tells his children "Miranda's financing Zach's defense. She claimed to disown him, but busted her." J.R. asks "Did you sleep with her?" Jack goes "Yeah. It felt like the good old days!" Jenny shakes her head. as she warns her Father "Randi will go to prison as well supporting him. The Thomas family can make things happen, and Phillip has it in for Zach." Jack tells his Daughter, and Son "The two of you support Ann's family, the two of you need to accept your Sisters also, and Miranda." J.R. yells "Get the hell out of here in case Uncle William shows up." Jack walks out, as Jenny tells her Brother "How's Blake?" J.R. tells his Sister "Matt hasn't said anything, and Aunt Barbara left her phone at her house." At the Loma Vista Jail, Matt locks the doors, and slips money to the jailers, as they leave, and Matt coldly tells Zach "Nobody hurts my Mama and lives to tell about it. If Blake dies, you will too." Matt walks towards the door, as the jailer takes Zach to transfer.
At Lorenzo and Nikki's Mansion, Lizzie wakes up, as Nikki tells her Daughter "Go rest." Lizzie tells her Mother "We need to have a talk. Something happened last night." At Thomas Holdings, Lorenzo sits at his desk, as Luke walks inside, and tells him "Phillip's at the hospital. So what's the deal?" Lorenzo pulls a briefcase from under his desk, and tells Luke "A little present to the city the name Thomas is revered." Luke opens to finds stacks of cash, as he looks at Lorenzo, and they make a deal. At Sullivan's River Casino, Elizabeth and Lena meets Sayyid, as they walk around the casino, and Sayyid tells Elizabeth "This place is legendary. I won many games of 21 here." Elizabeth laughs, as Sayyid holds Lena in his arms, as Elizabeth's phone rings, and she walks away, as it's Ann, who sits inside her Mansion, as she looks out of the window, at Randi's Place, as moving trucks arrive, tells her Sister In Law "I just saw a whore out my window, heading towards my Brothers." Elizabeth sighs "Stay home. I'm going to put a stop to her ass." Elizabeth leaves, as Lena and Sayyid watches on, and Sayyid asks "Was that anger I just picked up from Mrs.Thomas?" Lena goes "Remember me telling you about her Sister? Well if the name Miranda's mentioned, and I'm assuming that was Ann, someone's just pissed off the wrong damn woman." Meanwhile at the Loma Vista Jail, Zach's inside his cell, as the jailer opens the door, to three other prisoners, as the door is locked, and the three men jump Zach. Outside Zach's cell, Matt hands the jailer money, and goes "Call me. I'm going to check on my Mama. Then we go from there." At Loma Vista Downtown Hospital, Tyrone sits in the waiting area, as Phillip sits outside, as he asks Tyrone "So seeing Lacey I hear?" Tyrone responds "Yeah? What's it to you?" Phillip goes "Don't forget she's my damn Daughter, and I'm watching your ass Houston." Tyrone asks "Was that meant to be racial?" Phillip answers "No. I meant it as a damn promise!" Inside Blake's Room, Blake's vitals continue to drop, as one of the Doctors looks at Barbara, Lacey, and Sarah, as he tells them "The three of you have a decision to make?" Lacey turns towards her (Aunt), and snaps "Aunt Barbara has no say over my little Brother." The Doctor responds "According to this paper, his Grandmother is his Power Of Attorney." Lacey turns towards Barbara, as she goes with shock in her voice "Oh shit it's really true." Outside, Tilly calls her Mother, as Randi's phone goes to voicemail, as Jack arrives, and asks his Daughter "Where's Miranda?" Tilly asks her Father, reading a text from J.R. "Is this true?" Jack reads the text, as Tilly warns him "At this point, I'm ready to disown Mom, and if you are sleeping with her, you too!" At William's Home, Randi pours a glass of whiskey, as she asks William "Doesn't it feel nice just sitting here, having a good strong drink?" William warns his Sister In Law "Don't say anything to Elizabeth." Randi goes "Who's scared of her? She controls you William. I want to make you happy." Randi sits next to William, as they drink, and Randi cozies up to her Brother In Law, as Elizabeth drives towards William's Home, and a pistol sits in the passenger seat, while at William's Home, William gets a buzz, and he and Randi look into each other's eyes.
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